Ahad, 18 Januari 2015

BEAUTY REVIEW #5: Dian Pixy Peel-Off Floral Mask

Whiteheads and blackheads are seriously my sworn enemies, like if they were Trojans, I'd be a Spartan who wants her territory (clean skin) back, and I intend to use all (and for sure, safe) means that I can get my hands on just to get rid of them. Scrub, mask, nose pack, yada yada...and this stuff is one of them.What intrigued me to purchase it in the first place was the many positive comments and testimonials it got either via IGs (which also includes Malaysian Celebrities' reviews) and blogs. And also for the fact that it's colored. Purple to be exact. It's one of my fav colors.

Dian Pixy is one of the Malaysian's companies which produce beauty products

I'd rate this:

Okay, here's my verdict (for someone who uses this at least once a week):

What it claims:

- Effective in eradicating black spots and stubborn impurities.
And that includes blackheads and whiteheads too... yeap yeap... it pulled out most of the 'catch' on my nose. But at times, there are just the stubborn heads that want to stay. 

- Sebum Control
Minus the imbalance hormone (which occasionally causes my skin to oil up), I cannot deny the fact that this pack really helps to keep the oiliness around my nose (where the oil is the most accumulated) at bay until my next usage.

- Cleanse the toxic which causes acne
 I rarely get acne except when I'm stress or undergoing PMS, but they usually pop at other spots and areas. 

- Effecting in eradicating MOST of my 'enemies' although not all of them are successfully pulled out. 
- Control my sebum until my next usage.
- Amazingly lavender scented.

- Pricey for some. I got this at BND25 for only 50ml. That explains why I mostly use this as a nose pack.
-I have to spread it again and again to ensure better catch and prevent the pack from being torn as I pull it off. I just have to make sure the color of the pack is dark purple to know it's appropriately thick as I apply it.

Will I re-purchase?
Nope, I think not. I want to try other packs, and preferably a tube mask pack as it is economical than mask sheets and nose pack. 

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