Khamis, 8 Januari 2015

Liebster Award

I've been nominated!!

Thanks, AfroBeeBeauty for nominating me. Please click her name and check out her blog.

This award is to get blogs with less than 200 followers more recognized and give them more awareness.


1. Link the person who you have been nominated by

2. Answer the questions given by the nominator

3. Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers

4. Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer

5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs

I nominate the following people:

AfroBeeBeauty's Questions:

1)       What made you decided to start blogging?
I love beauty products since I was a kid, although at times I'm too lazy to use them, and I love to try new products, so I'd google them up and turn to reviews from beauty bloggers and I love it as the reviews are big helps for me. So, I intend to do the same. I'm just gonna review stuffs that I've tried, and I'm preferably gonna review them after I finish them for deeper understanding of the products.

2)      Where would you love to travel to?
Korea/Japan/Turkey - Historical spots ^_^ I want to travel for them more than shopping (Really? :P)

3)      What animal best describes you?
Mouse, because there was a childhood friend of mine who used to call me Mickey Mouse, because I look like him :P

4)      Jeans or Dresses?
Jeans... I'm currently sorta looking for long denim skirts. It's more casual than floral or plain-colored skirts

5)      What’s your dream job?
Something science-related :)

6)      What were your New Year’s Resolutions, if any?
There are many.. I don't want to list them out, but one of them which is worth to be shared is 'to stop all reasoning and lies (except when necessary) and start telling truths'.

7)      Who’s your favorite celebrity if any?
 Rachel McAdams

8)      Would you rather a comedy or horror movie?

9)      What do you like to do in your free time?
Texting, Hanging out with my friends, Movies, Trying out new recipes, Kdramas and Books.

10)   What were your most Favorite Christmas presents?
I don't celebrate Christmas.

11)     What’s been the most embarrassing time of your life so far?
Rushing for my Chemistry class when I was in high school, and I fell down in front of the whole class. Gladly, none of them laughed at me. Thanks, guys.. but I know they did silently because I could see my tutor stifled a laugh/smile.

My Questions:

1) What inspires you to start blogging?

2) What type of blog do you run?

3) If you're a beauty blogger, which are you most inclined to: make-up or skincare or any other cares?

4) Do you wish to get your blog recognized?

5) Who's your favorite local and international bloggers?

6) If you're a beauty blogger, do you wait till your product (e.g. BB Cream) finish before you get another one of different brand?

7) What chemicals are mostly avoided that present in skincare products/make-up?

8) Do you trust instant whitening products that are mostly sold online (especially through Instagram) although there are raves about them?

9) Your favorite skincare/make-up brand that you would like for me to try?

10) Which you would prefer most : pharmacy brand products or high-end ones?

11) Which part of your body/skin do you mostly neglect?

1 ulasan:

  1. Hello, thank you for nominating me to the Liebster Award, I have link you on my blog post, check it out~~
