Isnin, 30 November 2015


Found this review has been unposted for quite awhile in my draft and decided to post it now... so  hope you enjoy it :) Sorry for my long hiatus, as I haven't been shopping for beauty products lately :)

So, the first purchase was out of a recommendation from my brother as I, at that time, unexpectedly, and unusually suffered from reddish acne (allergic reactions to the cream I was then trying). I didn't use it religiously of course, because distress and laziness. Therefore, I didn't finish it until just recently when I needed a decent face pack.

So, what's tabloq basically? Well, it is traditionally made in Malaysia. It is said to be ancestors' secret recipe and it doesn't contain any chemical ingredients. Suitable for all type of skins and 100% mixture of clays, one of them in Bentonite clay which is known to be beneficial to get rid of blackheads.

Pic from

How does the Tabloq work?
It is said to contain natural minerals that are needed to make the skin healthy and help in blood circulation. Proper and frequent usage of Tabloq would help in getting rid of the dead skin cells, detoxifying the skin, cleanse out the pores and etc. It is recommended to be used with air gamat ('Gamat' water, will find out about it soon) or air zam zam (the water we usually get from Mecca) for better performance. Tabloq is claimed to be safe and clean for consumption by Sirim Qas International (A leading and widely accepted certification and testing body in Malaysia).

The most known benefits of Tabloq:

- Treating acnes and whiteheads.
True, once I used it on a pimple on my earlobe, and it  shrunk overnight and I realize my blackheads and whiteheads were dramatically reduced too.
- Cure rash on babies
- Cool down the skin (thus its name, cold powder or bedak sejuk). It's good for skin burn or fever.
- Good for oily skin.
Seriously agree. When I use it as a sleeping mask, I didn't experience the usual oily skin the next day even when it reached noon.
- Brighten the skin
- Something about the skin elasticity, you know to maintain or make it better.. sheesh I'm kinda down on the beauty vocabularies since I ditch this blog *insert laughing with tears here*.
- Moisturize the skin
Well, I can't say that, that maybe because I use it as sleeping pack every night. And I usually put on a thick layer, oops.. when I was supposed to just put a thin layer.
- Reduce the appearance of the pores
- Get rid of dead cells and dirt
- Good for treating chicken pox especially to prevent scars.
- Shaped up your breasts especially after breast feeding your child.
- Eczema.
- Diarrhea. Oh, it can be drank too. Just put a portion on a glass of water and drink them.
- For Tayammum (ablution before prayer by using clean soils) and 'Samak' (intense/thorough/deep cleansing after touching dogs or pigs, since Muslims aren't allowed to touch them, but that doesn't mean we hate them, we are encouraged to love all of Allah's creations including dogs and pigs).

My rating is : 4/5

Will I repurchase?
 Certainly. I think I should have a tub in my stash although I might buy another "modern" mask. But for now, I stick with this one.

Author's Disclaimer: I have to use pictures from other sources, as I had finished it before I could take pictures of it and I haven't re-purchased, as I'm too occupied and it's hard to find it here actually :)